Friday, August 3

TMI: Get to know me! (I've been tagged, yay!)

Heeeeeyyyyy! I've been tagged! Many thanks to the Bully! AND I made it to 400 hits! How cool is that? I definitely need to stay on top of posting. Well here are the rules I received and a little info about this SexyTXGyrl...

We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.

1. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.

3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.


1. I have been in and out of college since I was 19 (I’m 24). I am currently on a mission to finally finish by the time I’m 26. It has taken me a long time to select a major and decided whether or not I wanted to continue with college. I personally love to learn but not necessarily in a school atmosphere. I have had some trouble deciding what I really want to do in life. But at this point, I've decided to just get the piece of paper and continue pursuing my interest until I find something that will allow me to be happy and wealthy.

2. I don’t get nearly as much sex in my life as I would like…don’t let this blog fool you, lol.

3. I absolutely love cars…I’m in love with BMWs right now.

4. My personal paradise is San Diego, CA. It’s a beautiful city and I loved it there. I would like to own a home in La Jolla one day.

5. My favorite sport is football.

6. I love to read and I try to read something new everyday.

7. I despise the news. I feel like all newscast should begin with, “Did you have a bad day? Stay tuned so you can see people who really had a FUCKED UP day!”

8. I can be insecure, bitchy, and the sweetest person on earth.

Now, I don’t really know to many bloggers, although I enjoy a lot of sites. But here are the people I’ve tagged…

1. The two kitties on the roof. They inspired me to blog. I know the Bully already tagged them, but oh well. (EDIT: They've already added thier post).

2. Ray – I like him cause he likes football, lol.

3. dc_speaks – cause he’s hit up several of my comments boxes and he’s my blog crush.

4. DexStarG - my fam!

Sorry, I couldn’t make it to eight!