Last week, I was speaking to a friend and we were discussing my present dating dilemma - why I can't date ugly men.

Now, let me preface this by saying, my ugly may not be your ugly and vice versa. But most people know a person that is ugly to the general population - and I can't date that ugly mofukka! It doesn't matter how great his personality is, what he drives or how much money he makes! My friend believes that my way of thinking is shallow. She says that if I would bring my specifications down a notch, I may meet someone I really like. She's a pretty boy hater, but I LOVE the pretty boys. I like having the guys that can have any woman.
I understand that pretty boys come with a range of issues. They're usually very cocky and are used to having females cater to them (which is usually where we clash, I'm not a "cater to you" type of woman). Their arrogance is normally off the charts and they expect to receive more than they will give; they are used to getting their way because of their looks. But I just love looking at them and they usually want to be with me - but we never last (re: second sentence of this paragraph).
Now, I'm a very visual person. If you tell me a story, it runs through my head like a movie. I've

always been this way- highly visual. When I am actively dating someone, I like to be able to look at him and get horny. I want to think "sex" whenever he smiles. Not because this is all he has to offer, but because I like having that basic carnal attraction. Therefore, I usually steer clear of ugly men. Grant it, their pesonalities are usually more appealing and they are more giving, but if I'm not physically attracted to you...Houston, we have a problem. And we really do have a problem in Houston because attractive men are in limited supply in all races and cultures (I check out everyone, lol).
But again, my friend believes that this is shallow. I say, why settle??? I refuse to believe that every man I find ridiculously attractive will be an arrogant jerk. I'd rather keep looking for a fine guy than settle on someone I find physically not appealing. What do you think?