Since Mary J. won't quit screaming, Usher is full of himself (although I like his music, I can't stand him), Jagged Edge's last CD sucked and Jodeci no longer exists, there isn't much to choose from. I'm an 80s baby and I believe we enjoyed the last of good R & B in the 90s. In the 90s, R Kelly's metaphors made a little more since, love-making music didn't have a a dance beat behind it, and performers - you must know the difference between performers and artist to get this- stuck to Pop music and didn't infiltrate anything else. I miss the 90s.
Anyway, now we're stuck in some evil experiment by the record labels to keep making us listen to shitty music and shitacular singers, whom I think they grow in a petri dish in the basement of Music World Entertainment- just below the wig crypt (re: C & D). And yes, I know that that was a run-on sentence.
But now there's Lloyd.

Now, don't think that because I referenced the 90s at the beginning of the post that I think he is on par with those artist because he's not. But he's all I got this week and I like it. The production is good, the lyrics are not lame like some people *cough* Beyonce *cough*, and I can dance or fuck to it depending on the given situation. So if you are itching for some decent (albeit somewhat Poppish) R & B music, you should get his CD.
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